DRACO (Dragon) Healing Sessions

This session can assist on many levels for a number of conditions/issues, ranging from physical problems to connection to your Essential Self & Mastery.

In-depth sessions usually begin with a reading using the DRACO Healing Cards to help identify & clarify the root of the issue/blockage you are working with. Appropriate symbols are then selected which are used with crystals in the healing.

Michelle channels high vibrational energies, and gently guides you on a ‘journey’ to access those parts ready for acceptance and healing. She combines counseling and intuitive guidance to help you to resolve the conflicts within, coming to a better understanding of the current events in your life and your processes.

Each session is unique as it unlocks your own unique individual path and potential.

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Michelle's Testimonials..

"This morning, I have been watching the unspeakable beauty of the sunrise unfold before me and felt the divine flow through me with every sense.

I felt gratitude for my life vibrate in every cell of my body and part of that gratitude was to you"..

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