7 Master Code Healing
This healing is specifically for those who feel a resonance to it; or perhaps you have been doing healing for quite some time but you want to take a 'jump' or feel you need to create a shift for the next part of your journey.
This healing accesses the Diamond Light frequencies and helps integrate the new energy body, as you align and merge spirit & matter at the heart.
It utilses the 7 Master Codes from the DRACO System - including the master Solar, Lunar & Galactic Codes.
How can It help you?
- Create an energetic alignment to your levels of self so you are more fully able to bring through higher frequencies of light
- Resolve any remaining blocks to happiness, joy, love, abundance etc
- Access your 'creative potential' to more easily and effortlessly create your own Divine Plan on Earth
- Unleash the Magical Inner Child/Divine Child opening up to living a life of joy & adventure (rather than pain, suffering & struggle)
- Energise and heal the physical body as increased amounts of light are effectively utilised within the being
- Connect more fully to the Earth; grounding & anchoring
- Become clearer about your purpose and deepen communication with your Inner Guidance;
- Deepen the connection to Source within you...
Each session is unique according to the individual.
As appropriate Michelle applies the symbols / codes to your energetic / physical make-up, working directly with DRACO / DRACO Beings of Light and the energy of Compassionate Wisdom & Divine Love.