DRACO Card Readings
DRACO - Dragon Wisdom card readings available in person or on line via email or Skype. Please email for details.
DRACO (Dragon) Healing Sessions
This session can assist on many levels for a number of conditions/issues, ranging from physical problems to connection to your Essential Self & Mastery.
The Pyramid of Balance Healing Sessions
“Building Through the Harmony of Life;
When all things are in balance and flow.”
Often stress and tension arise when we are in conflict with what is happening within and around us. Usually, there are different aspects or parts of ourselves that are in conflict that is creating the disharmony or imbalance.
Sessions for Children
Crystal Dragon Sessions for Children
Special healing sessions for children that help them come into greater balance and calm, let go of anxieties, deal with emotions and fears, etc.
7 Master Code Healing
This healing is specifically for those who feel a resonance to it; or perhaps you have been doing healing for quite some time but you want to take a 'jump' or feel you need to create a shift for the next part of your journey.
This healing accesses the Diamond Light frequencies and helps integrate the new energy body, as you align and merge spirit & matter at the heart.
It utilses the 7 Master Codes from the DRACO System - including the master Solar, Lunar & Galactic Codes.